What's Going On...?! {Charlotte, NC Custom Childrens Photographer}

Wow, so it's been awhile since I have posted huh? So let's play a little catch up!

The April Mini Session Giveaway will begin soon! The dates:

Entry Submission: Now-March 28th 11:59 PM
Voting: March 29th 12:00 AM-March 31st 11:59 PM
Winner Announcement: April 1st 9:30 AM

Stay tuned for another blog post with full contest details!

Also, I am renovating my blog which you may have noticed! There will be added services as well which will include Fundraising (such as preschool photos) and Portrait Parties! More details coming soon but this is FUN stuff!!

I have been honored with the opportunity to photograph the preschoolers at a local church and it is even more fun than I ever expected! I hope that preschool photography will be a big part of my business! Just a note though... preschool photos are all done as a fundraising opportunity to the school. NO cost for the school and the school receives a percentage of the proceeds!

Here is an example of my set. Clean & contemporary is my goal, my style...

IMG_2009 resized for blog

The kids sat on the ottoman at an angle from the camera with teddy sitting on the floor leaning up against the ottoman.  I cannot share any images with the children as I do not have parental consent at the moment.

Let's see.... what else? Oh yes, I've also been busy with sessions. I hope to be posting images from those sessions soon!

Well, back to work for me! Hope you've enjoyed an updated on our business ventures!! :)

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